There are things we are bringing for the group. Lots of coffee. Devotional materials. Bibles, icons and crosses. A tripod and First Aid kits. A couple Igloo coolers. Then there are the medical forms and payments.
Most importantly, we're bringing down you. That's right, you. No, we're not going to pack you in a suitcase a whisk you away on Saturday morning, but you are coming down. If you went to the Mission Festival, you are coming down. If you worked at the Festival, you are coming down. If you pray for us, you are coming down.
One way we are bringing you down this year is with tangible things that will make the week a success. Last year, we realized that frozen casseroles were absolutely invaluable to us. After a long day of mission work, we had no energy or time to cook a dinner. Last year, a couple of us brought casseroles down. This year, we asked you to help out, and boy did you come through! We're going to be eating well this week! Beyond casseroles, we have breakfast sandwiches, vegetables and delicious desserts., and more!
An abundance of food!
Thanks so much to everybody that contributed. You all are coming down with us!
We also asked for work gloves, and Joan (who worlks at Job Lot) contributed all these gloves! Thank you - you're going down with us, too!
Finally, we are going down with just over $1,500 in Lowe's gift cards! Thank you so much!
Today, I went down to Lowe's with a check from the church. I walked to customer service and said I wanted $1,150 worth of gift cards. As usual, I got a few looks. Is this for real?
The person at the register asked if we were doing a raffle. I said, "no, we're going on a church mission trip to West Virginia. We'll be using these cards to help someone in need." The cashier said that the 10 minutes he spent processing the cards was the highlight of his week.
Each one of you that wrote a check or sent in a card - you are going down with us, too! These cards are absolutely critical as we get supplies to support the renovations we are working on. They also help the Folklife Center in getting materials for other outreach projects that they will be working on.
So 15 people are traveling on Monday, but we're taking all of you with us. Dozens, maybe hundreds of people. Thank you so much!
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